Everything about Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that scares some people because they think it is an awful and contagious condition. Let us bust the myth and uncover the essential facts you should know about this inconvenient yet unlethal illness.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Generally, “Autoimmune” means that somehow some cells or organs of one’s organism decide to destroy themselves. In the case of psoriasis, skin cells accumulate way too fast, and this process leads to skin peeling and inflammation.

Typically, psoriasis looks like red or purple (depending on the skin tone) spots that often make one itch. This is probably the most common symptom of this condition. These spots do not only itch but also crack and produce blood because they are often dry.

There are five types of psoriasis:

  • Plaque
  • Guttate
  • Pustular
  • Inverse
  • Erythrodermic.

The first type, plaque, is the most common (80-90%) among adults and gives them the above-mentioned red or purple itchy spots. The guttate type is common among children. Other types are rarer and have different appearances; the erythrodermic type is the most severe yet quite rare one.

What Body Parts Are Involved?

Psoriasis can appear almost everywhere on one’s skin.

However, there are body parts that are more prone to getting psoriasis spots:

  • Arms and hands
  • Scalp
  • Back
  • Legs.

Other parts suffer less; however, there are many cases of psoriasis on people’s faces, nails, and genitals.

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Luckily, psoriasis is not contagious at all. There are no limitations in communication if a person faces this condition.

Why the Disease Appears?

There are two theories that have appeared over a long time of research. According to various studies, the two main reasons for psoriasis to start are either genetics or immune system malfunction. While the second case is hard to predict, the first one often gives a clear answer to why one has psoriasis.

Common Psoriasis Symptoms

As we have mentioned already, the most common symptoms are red or purple spots on a person’s skin that peel and can crack. However, psoriasis’ look may vary from patient to patient.

Psoriasis is sometimes confused with other skin diseases like dermatitis. To determine the diagnosis, one should apply to a doctor and maybe run some tests.

Common Treatment

Unfortunately, scientists have not come up with an idea of how to fully cure psoriasis yet. However, you should know that it is not a lethal condition.

There are some methods that can ease the pain and itching and make spots go away (at least for a while).

Some patients get treatment like anthralin, corticosteroids, or retinoids. Others go for a vacation during summer, swim in the sea, and sunbathe, and the sun and salt together make spots white and almost invisible.

One should consult their doctor to define which treatment is right for them.


There are general recommendations for everyone who is diagnosed with psoriasis.

Among these recommendations are:

  • Stress reduction
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • A special diet with no junk food and certain products
  • Taking vitamins.

All these points can help when one fights this condition. However, if you or someone you know discover something similar to psoriasis, consider seeing a doctor immediately.

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