Top health effects of anxiety

In the modern world, it is impossible to avoid periodic restlessness and feelings of anxiety. Worries may be related to relationships, work, or global problems. There is nothing wrong with experiencing strong emotions, but they should not threaten your well-being.

Sometimes, anxiety becomes too strong, and it starts to bother you daily. In this case, emotional stress can lead to negative consequences for the whole body. If you feel that anxiety threatens your health, then you will need to see a doctor who will diagnose you and offer a solution to your problem.

Anxiety Typology

First, you need to determine the type of anxiety that bothers you. Familiarize yourself with several types of disorders that doctors distinguish:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder is diagnosed in people who will feel excessive anxiety if they do not repeat certain daily activities, such as washing their hands numerous times;

  • Social anxiety disorder is associated with a feeling of anxiety and fear of any social interaction. Usually, people with this type of anxiety do not feel safe when they need to communicate, which can lead to loneliness;

  • Panic is an extremely strong feeling of anxiety that a person experiences unexpectedly. One may feel a rapid heartbeat and lack of oxygen;

  • Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of psychological disorder characterized by a long feeling of constant anxiety about certain things or topics. People can suffer from this overwhelming feeling for six months or more;

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with a trauma received some time ago. A person might have been a victim and feels traumatized and vulnerable now, which brings constant anxiety.

Various phobias also relate to anxiety, as a person is visited by obsessive thoughts about approaching danger.

How anxiety affects the well-being

Anxiety has a strong impact not only on the emotional but also on the physical condition of a person. Here are a few of the main effects of this disorder:

  • Anxiety threatens the proper functioning of the cardiac system as the heartbeat gets faster and the pressure increases quite often;

  • The immune system is responsible for resisting viruses and cleansing the body of harmful bacteria. In anticipation of an external danger, the immune system activates and works with a vengeance, which eventually leads to exhaustion;

  • Frequent release of stress hormones threatens the health of the nervous system and brain function;

  • When a person is worried, they can often refuse to eat or notice a deterioration in the digestive system, such as vomiting or diarrhea;

  • During normal operation of the body, a person breathes calmly and regularly, but one can feel shortness of breath during a panic attack. This especially affects people who have asthma.

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