101 on Inflammatory bowel disease

Many people begin having symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in their twenties and thirties when they are also beginning to think about starting a family.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis fall under the umbrella of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and many people with IBD have worries and questions about fertility, conceiving a child, having a baby, and nursing.

What should you do before trying to conceive?

Folic acid and/or prenatal vitamin supplements are suggested. If you have this condition, your doctor may advise you to take a supplement. Check with your doctor about your current drug regimen and make sure you’re up to date on all recommended immunizations.

Controlling IBD during pregnancy

Poor management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been linked to infertility and pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, early labor, and low birth weight. The purpose of monitoring and controlling IBD throughout pregnancy is to improve the mother’s and child’s chances of a healthy delivery and the baby’s development. Some drugs for IBD may have their blood levels checked to make sure they’re being given at the right times.

What if your IBD flared up during pregnancy?

Rapidly reducing inflammation and optimizing an IBD treatment regimen during a pregnancy-related flare is essential for protecting both mother and child. This may require checking medicine levels, changing the dosage, or switching to a different medication.

Delivery Choices

Most IBD patients can deliver naturally. Medical history might affect whether a patient has a vaginal or C-section birth. Active perineal illness promotes perineal trauma and tears. People with steroid exposure and bone issues may wish to avoid pushing.

What are the side effects after giving birth?

About a third of patients will experience a flare of their inflammatory bowel disease within a year of giving birth. A postpartum flare is more likely to occur in patients whose bowel disease was not well managed throughout the third trimester. This is why it’s crucial to keep up regular visits with your IBD specialist throughout this period.

The Genetics of IBD

In spite of the fact that IBD has been linked to genetics, the risk of the disease in the biological offspring of people with IBD is often rather low. People who are first-degree relatives of someone with IBD are more likely to get Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Pregnancy requires careful flare monitoring and treatment. Many IBD medications are safe throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Every pregnancy is different, so it’s crucial to communicate with your medical team.

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