A meticulous attendance of the complexion begins with impurities removal. Scrubbing is an old method of cleaning the skin, inherited from the old Egyptians. This method consists of removing the impurities and the dead cells of your skin.
This can be done by scrubbing the skin with corn-flour or by using cosmetic creams with particles specially destined to this purpose. There is another way of scrubbing, which uses sugar for sensitive skins. After cleaning the complexion, the next step is cleaning the face with a lot of warm water.
The next stage in our taking care of the skin is moisturising it. Those of you who are followers of natural products can opt for a mask made from a spoon of honey and one of yogurt. You have to keep this mask for ten minutes, and then you wash it with warm water.
The area around the eyes is very sensitive – that is why it is necessary to take a special care of it. The cold weather can accent the wrinkles. Hazel nut and almond oils and castor oil are very efficient in fighting against them and in having a perfect epidermis.
The carrot mask is perfect for the bad weather. Even those who had been on a drastic diet can successfully benefit of this type of mask because the juice of this mask attenuates the stretch marks. The carrot mask is made of two spoons of rasped carrot with a spoon of cream for sensitive skins. Honey should be added too because it is a protective factor in skin renewal and in protecting it from cold windy weather.
Here are some recipes for making quick fruits masks:
- Apples. We prepare the mask by boiling the pulp of the apple in milk. After that the mask is cold, we add a yolk, three drops of lemon juice and a spoon of honey.
- Bananas. We prepare it as the previous mask. If the skin is very dry we add a spoon of olive oil or sesame, and honey.
- Mango. This mask is efficient even for mixed skins if we boil in milk two spoons of mango pulp and we add one spoon of honey, one of yoghurt and one of tomato juice. The mask is to be applied for 20 minutes. After that we wash it away with warm water. Finally, we put on a night cream.