Top migraine facts you need to know

Migraines are quite a widespread problem among United States citizens. Some people may have the opinion that migraines are not that common. However, about 20% of the population suffers from this disease.

Migraines can be treated with appropriate medication, but it is necessary to first report them to your general practitioner. Although this medical condition is yet to be fully researched, severe pains can be relieved, making it possible for people to lead their everyday lives normally.

Below you are going to read some facts about migraines.

  1. Migraine prevention is not a myth

Whenever a person experiences migraine symptoms, it is time to think of what might trigger it. Once you have realized what causes the condition, it is easier to get rid of it forever.

If a migraine is not severe, it can be treated with aspirin or ibuprofen. However, if migraines appear more and more often, doctors can prescribe a more powerful treatment.

Here are the most common ways to combat migraines:

  • a drug Aimovig which blocks molecules causing migraines, and by getting injections once a month, you can prevent the stop migraine attacks development
  • 31 botox injections every three months can block chemicals that are linked with pain emergence

In case you suffer from migraines but have spare time, consult your therapist to improve the quality of your life.

  1. Diet is not a migraine root cause

For many years, foods like chocolate, dairy products, and citrus were associated with leading migraines. However, this myth has been debunked by researchers. On the contrary, if you feel hungry, this can bring on a migraine.

Doctors also claim that hormones are to blame when it comes to suffering from migraines, especially if we talk about women in perimenopause.

  1. Migraines and visual disturbances

Some people who live with migraines say that they have blurry vision or see flashing lights. It is believed that those suffering from migraines see auras, but in fact, only 10% of patients have experienced disturbed vision. It is true, though, that more common symptoms are feeling dizzy, being sensitive to light, and nausea.

  1. It is not OK to live with headaches

Migraine headaches fall into two types – periodical and chronic. Pain is considered chronic if it takes place more often than 15 days a month. Some people get used to having these pains and rely on painkillers that they buy in drugstores themselves. However, it would be more beneficial for their health to consult a therapist and receive the right diagnosis with a more effective treatment.

  1. Bad headaches are probably migraines

In case one regularly suffers from headaches that make them schedule an appointment with a therapist, this might be a migraine. It can turn out that a person actually has been suffering from a rare type of headache – sinus headache that influences nerves in the region located between the eyes. If this is true, it is better to find the right treatment as soon as possible.

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