Top Bipolar disorder facts

Bipolar disorder is considered to be one of the top widespread mental illnesses in the United States. Unfortunately, for now, it can not be totally cured; however, with effective treatment and a good therapist, this condition can be manageable, and many people are already living their lives normally without suffering from severe symptoms.


Bipolar disorder has three types, and below, we are going to explain the differences between them.


Bipolar 1

A person is diagnosed with bipolar 1 if they have a minimum of one manic episode, during which they are easily irritated and have an influx of energy. This episode should last at least seven days, and the symptoms are not related to taking any medication or having another medical condition.


Some bipolar 1 patients also suffer from psychosis, when it is hard for them to determine what is fake and what is real. If these symptoms have a bad influence on your daily life, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


Bipolar 2

Those who develop bipolar 2 have longer depressive episodes, lasting 14 days or more. They also experience a hypomanic episode of a four days duration (hypomania is less strong than mania, but the appearance of symptoms is generally the same).


Bipolar 2 is more often reported in women than in men and can also have some symptoms of psychosis, although during a depressive episode only.



Cyclothymia is a mental disorder where symptoms of hypomania and depression alternate, as in bipolar 1 and bipolar 2, but they are less severe, and sometimes, people do not have mood symptoms for as long as 2 months. Usually, cyclothymia goes together with other mental disorders such as depression or anxiety disorder.


The reasons for developing this condition are still not discovered. However, those with a family history of bipolar disorders are more likely to be subjected to cyclothymia.


Bipolar Disorder Treatment


As we mentioned above, the disorder is incurable, but some treatments have proven to be effective enough to maintain a good quality of life.


Here are the ways one with bipolar disorder will find helpful:

  • Psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, and psychoeducation
  • Remedies like antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines keep the mood of a patient at the right level and help them avoid manic and depressive phases
  • There are also some natural panaceas that are used to treat bipolar disorder. However, it is better to consult with a doctor before deciding to use any of them


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