All you need to know about Alzheimer’s Disease

Globally, 60-80% of the population is affected by Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a kind of dementia. This medical condition implies having problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Dementia makes it harder to perform everyday activities successfully and negatively affects the quality of life.

Although Alzheimer’s is considered to be an incurable disease, some medications can help slow down the deterioration of mental abilities if diagnosed at an early stage.

Alzheimer’s disease facts

You might have already heard something about this medical condition. However, there might be something you are not yet aware of.

Here are some facts about the disease it is good to know about:

  • Some people are more subject to developing the condition, although anyone is at risk
  • Alzheimer’s is sometimes confused with aging, although this is not the case. The disease is a long-term medical condition.
  • It is hard to predict how the disease will develop. Some people experience a quick progression of symptoms, whereas others experience only subtle changes in their brains
  • Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, but not dementia itself

Those who live with Alzheimer’s are in need of extra care and support because they cannot fully attend to themselves on a regular basis.

Alzheimer’s symptoms

It is fine if people forget things from time to time because the capacity of our brains is limited.

However, if a person starts developing Alzheimer’s, the following symptoms are worth noticing:

  • loss of memory even related to familiar daily activities
  • inability to solve problems
  • retarded speech and difficulty writing
  • mood swings and character change
  • drifting apart from the nearest and dearest
  • sense of disorientation in time and place

Of course, these symptoms do not necessarily mean Alzheimer’s, but it is advisable to make an appointment with a doctor to eliminate the disease or diagnose it early.

Treating Alzheimer’s

A cure for Alzheimer’s has not been found yet but a therapist can advise on some treatments that would help prevent a quick development of the disease and ease the symptoms.

Below you can find common approaches to treating Alzheimer’s:

  • for mild symptoms, doctors tend to recommend Aricept or Exelon because they help to keep the level of acetylcholine at a high level
  • for later stages, Namenda can become a solution since it fights the excessive levels of glutamate
  • some therapists can prescribe antidepressants and antipsychotics to help a patient combat sleep disorders, hallucinations, and depression

Some other things can accompany medical; treatment to help a person live with the disease. Doctors recommend having enough rest, avoiding doing difficult tasks, watching a diet and staying away from stressful environments.

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